The Stones and Brian Jones

The Stones and Brian Jones DokStation

The Stones and Brian Jones


Premieră națională
Regie: Nick Broomfield / UK / 2023 / 1h33min
Distribuție: Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts, Eric Burdon, Bo Diddley, Marianne Faithfull

The Stones and Brian Jones, noul documentar realizat de cineastul Nick Broomfield, dezvăluie adevărata poveste și moștenirea artistică lăsată de Brian Jones, fondatorul și geniul creativ din spatele trupei The Rolling Stones.

Pe când era un elev în vârstă de 14 ani, Nick Broomfield l-a cunoscut întâmplător, într-un tren, pe Brian Jones, aflat atunci la apogeul carierei sale. Artistul a decedat șase ani mai târziu.

Conținând interviuri revelatoare cu personaje cheie, precum și imagini de arhivă în exclusivitate, documentarul explorează relațiile și rivalitățile dintre membrii The Rolling Stones, în anii lor formatori, dar și geniul creativ al artistului Brian Jones, fondatorul uneia dintre cele mai importante trupe rock din lume, dat uitării după moartea sa.

The Rolling Stones au fost o influență majoră în viața mea. Brian și Mick erau eroii zilei, iar revolta lor împotriva regulilor era o sursă de inspirație pentru noi toți. Realizarea acestui documentar a fost pentru mine o ocazie să revin asupra acelor ani formatori dinaintea șocului morții lui Brian, în 1969, cea mai sumbră perioadă din istoria trupei The Stones, când totul s-a schimbat”, spune Nick Broomfield, cineast laureat cu Sundance First Prize, BAFTA, Prix Italia, Dupont Peabody Award, Grierson Award, Hague Peace Prize, Amnesty International Doen Award.


Nick Broomfield’s new documentary THE STONES & BRIAN JONES uncovers the true story and legacy of Brian Jones, the founder and creative genius of The Rolling Stones.

Featuring revealing interviews with all the main players and unseen archive released for the first time, The Stones and Brian Jones explores the creative musical genius of Brian Jones, key to the success of the band, and uncovers how the founder of what became the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world was left behind in the shadows of history.

As a schoolboy aged 14, Nick Broomfield met Brian Jones, by chance, on a train. Brian was at the height of his success, with the world at his feet, yet just six years later he would be dead.

THE STONES & BRIAN JONES looks at the relationships and rivalries within The Rolling Stones in those formative years. It explores the iconoclastic freedom and exuberance of the 60s, a time of intergenerational conflict and sexual turmoil which reflects on where we are today.

Featuring revealing interviews with all the main players and unseen archive released for the first time, THE STONES & BRIAN JONES explores the creative musical genius of Jones, key to the success of the band, and uncovers how the founder of what became the greatest rock & roll band in the world was left behind in the shadows of history.

Nick Broomfield says of his inspiration to make the film, The Rolling Stones were a major influence in my formative years. Brian and Mick were heroes of the day, their rebellion and breaking of the rules were a great inspiration to us. Making this film was an opportunity for me to look at that formative growing up time until the shock of Brian’s death in 1969, the darkest moment in the history of The Stones, when things changed.”

Nick Broomfield is the recipient of awards including Sundance First Prize, BAFTA, Prix Italia, Dupont Peabody Award, Grierson Award, Hague Peace Prize, Amnesty International Doen Award.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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